Why Clemens
5 reasons for Byuers
Clemens brings together carefully selected, the best in Poland art galleries, art salons, auction houses, antique shops, showrooms numismatics, jewelry showrooms, exclusive boutiques and narrowly specialized dealers and stores.
Clemens only works with sellers who meet certain criteria our quality standards. We care about the security of transactions and confidentiality of personal data. Each newly added offer is verified by a Clemens employee or external expert.
There are as many as four modern sales formats available on the Clemens website online tailored precisely to the specificity of a given industry: Dutch auctions, fixed price and option sales price negotiations and Private Sales.
Clemens users do not have to waste time browsing through thousands of offers, in order to find something original, unique and valuable item, as is the case on popular auction or advertising websites.
Registration and maintenance of a user account are free of charge.
For more information, please visit the FAQ for Buyers page.
5 reasons for Sellers
Publication of sales offers is free of charge. Registration and maintaining your seller account are also free. We provide free of charge support and technical assistance. In addition to the possibility of publishing Clemens offers also provides transaction support, including online payment services.
The contract between the Seller and Clemens is concluded remotely, in the form of a contract for the provision of electronic services.
Each seller receives unlimited access to four formats online sales, tailored strictly to the specificity of a given industry: Dutch auctions, fixed price sales with the possibility of price negotiations and Private Sales.
Clemens charges a low commission, only on goods sold, according to the principle: "you don't sell, you don't pay".
Clemens allows you to reach your offer beyond the local market, to a wide group of potential new customers.
For more information, please visit the Seller FAQ page.