sztukamalarstwo i rysunek   Archived offer Seller: Clemens
#53: A. Felix Schulze ur. 1874 — Landscape



A. Felix-Schulze Landscape. Germany, early 20th century.

Felix Arthur Schulze, German painter, graphic artist, illustrator. Born in 1874 in Nauenhof. He died in 1945 in Leipzig. He attended primary school in the city of Grimma, then in the years 1892-96 he studied at the Academy in Leipzig. In 1896-97 he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Dresden and the University of Dresden. He worked as a teacher at the Municipal School of Commerce in Leipzig. He was a member of the National Union of Visual Artists in Germany, active in Leipzig



Dimensions: 40x55 cm

Signature: Signed under the name A. FELIX-SCHULZE

Support material: oil on canvas

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